Friday, August 12, 2011

CEP 812: Group Leadership Project

To deliver the PD tutorial, our group chose to use Voicethread. We were initially drawn to Voicethread because we wanted to create a video that needed to be embedded into the final presentation. This was a bit difficult, because not all technologies are compatible and we did not want to find out in the editing stages that it wasn’t possible to merge the two pieces of information. This also allowed for the viewers to learn about our technology in a step-by-step format. Since I have used Voicethread before, I was confident that we would be able to embed videos using either Photostory 3 or any mp4 format video. I created a separate account for our group so all group members could collaborate and edit the tutorial. Using Voicethread allowed our group to insert images, PowerPoint slides, voice, and videos. This was the most logical choice for our group as I was comfortable using the technology and all of our research could be made into a well-organized final tutorial.

We chose to create a tutorial based on the tool Glogster. Through the developmental process, I learned a lot of new information about this technology. I had never before used Glogster and I am now certain that I will be using it often in the upcoming school year.  This tool allows students to collaborate, reflect, share their understanding of a topic, and interact with technology.  In addition to learning about the tool itself, I also learned the importance of communication in collaboration projects. Just as I learned that it is important all group members contribute and are comfortable contributing, the same goes for my students. It is important not to become frustrated when a technology has flaws, but rather, work together to work through the bumps in the road. Our group was able to effectively communicate, which allowed everyone to have a final say in the project. As a teacher, it is important that when my students are using Glogster they are all voicing their opinions and contributing to the poster.  Only once all members are contributing can true collaboration take place.

If I were to develop a similar product again, I would do three things differently to ensure the success of our project. First, I would have divided up the work load so that all group members were researching the tool. Although it worked well that two group members researched while the other two created the final project, it may have been more effective had all group members researched a particular aspect and reported back. Another part that I would change is the information covered. It was much more difficult to meet the time limit than initially expected. There was so much information that we felt was important to the tutorial but if we had to do it again, pieces could be eliminated if necessary. By prioritizing the information, it would have been easier to determine what was vital to the presentation. Finally, I would have liked to have had all communication through email. It was difficult for everyone to check the angel communication forum each day, and through email, we could have been alerted immediately if there was a new message which needed attention. Although our group worked very well together and I am extremely proud of the final product, by altering these three elements, we could have avoided many bumps in the road.

Please view our group tutorial of the Web 2.0 tool Glogster below. This tutorial may also be viewed by clicking here.  Thank you for viewing our group tutorial. 

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