Friday, July 29, 2011

CEP 812: Part C- Implementation

To view Part C of my WICKED project, please view the following podcast which I created using Voicethread. Here, I address surprises, bumps in the road, delights, summer preparations, and a timeline. I had initially started creating the podcast using Screencast, however, that tool would only hold a five minute video. Thank you for viewing the implementation portion of my project.

Revisions: All comments given on Part C were encouraging and agreed with my implementation goals, preparations, and timeline. I am confident that by using this tool along with this specific timeline, I will achieve my goal of promoting student achievement and confidence through increased parent-teacher-student communication. After viewing comments of others, I am enthusiastic about presenting this communication tool in the fall to the parents of my students. I am hopeful that their reaction will be just as encouraging and that they will be motivated to increase communication in order to promote student success.


  1. Great, Sarah! I was surprised with some of the same things you were. I've used wiki's briefly before but I didn't realize how many features they had...I mean Skype? Polls? Also, I like the anonymous feature for student work. I like the idea of keeping student privacy when posting it online.
    ~Diana N.

  2. This has a lot of features! I am a big fan of RSS feeds so I can really see utilizing that and parents can get the latest feeds on their phone or computer whenever something is updated. The polls feature is also pretty cool, it has a lot to offer and parents have less of an excuse for not being in touch with the school or teacher - so many good options, good job!

  3. Your project is well thought out. You've added so many important aspects to your projects - widgets, individual account numbers, skype, etc. I love it. Your podcast is very professionally done as well. nice job, Sarah.
